Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Potty Train Your Child In 7 days!!

I've been asked numerous times how I've potty trained my 3 little kiddos. They were trained at 12 months, 15 months and 18 months. It's not difficult at all, you just have to stick with it. This means the same routine each day. I honestly don't believe that a child can be potty trained in 3 days, but I've been able to train them in 7 days. If you follow these steps below, you'll be on your way to having a few extra bucks in your wallet from not having to buy diapers.
*Allow yourself to be free from any outdoor errands if you can for the week. This will allow for you to solely focus on your objective.

1. Consistency, consistency, consistency!
2. Patience! They're learning, which means they'll have accidents. Be patient, they'll eventually get      the hang of it.
3. Learn their schedule. In the beginning, they have no clue to this new task. In the morning, sit them directly on the potty when they wake up just as you would do yourself when you wake up in the morning.
4. Watch their fluid intake. During the first day or so, purposely give them more fluids than usual so they can get the idea of "pee-pee" belongs in the potty. When little ones drink fluid, it runs right through them.
5. Praise them when they "do good" if this means dancing, clapping, cartwheels then do it. Most toddlers love to see this behavior from mommy/daddy.
6. Use words such as "go potty" or "go pee-pee" stick to whatever phrase you decide
7. Never get frustrated, kids can sense frustration! They only know by what you teach them. Everything is a learned behavior. If you feel like you're getting frustrated, put a diaper on them for a while and get back at it later.

By day 7, you should be able to venture out. Purchase a potty ring at any of the local stores and take it wherever you go. Eventhough a child may not be able to fully speak, they will show you signs that they have to go. Such as, stand by the bathroom or grab their pants. Whatever your child chooses, he/she will most likely continue to show you their preferred signs until they can speak.

Are you ready to potty train your child?? Then don't waste another minute just sitting there. Get to work, you'll be so glad you did!

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