Thursday, May 8, 2014

My Challenge to you....

I went to the grocery store this morning. As I was leaving and getting my daughter situated in the cart a lady walks by and I say "hello, good morning!" She smiled and responded back. Without thinking,  I looked back up and said to her "you are so pretty!" She's smiled and says, "thank you!" She looked very shocked for someone to compliment her.

We, as women these days find it so hard to compliment each other. Most of the time, I'll see women just staring or even giving dirty looks. I never think before I say things most of the time.  Is that a good thing?  It depends on the current moment, but you can never go wrong with complimenting another human being.  You may never know what kind of day they may be having.  That one small compliment could mean so much.

So, my challenge to you for today is "Give a compliment" it won't kill you, I promise!

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