Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Are You Setting A Good Example?

Are you a good example?

Being a good parent requires many things besides making sure their fed, cleaned and clothed properly. Parents are the role models of their children.  How are you feeding your child's growing brain?  Can you honestly say that you're doing the right thing in front of your children?

Being selective on what you say, watch and do will have a tremendous impact on your child while they're growing up. If you're cursing, fighting and yelling....guess what?  Your kid will probably follow your footsteps. You may think that "oh they're small, they don't understand" you'd be surprise as to how much a child understands. In fact, they're a lot smarter than most adults. I was sitting at the park the other day and a parent pulled up to pick their child up from school with their music blasting with profanity. Another occasion, the parent was fussing at their child and called them a "dumb fuck." We as parents have to do better and grow up ourselves. Then we wonder why the kid are misbehaving in school, or sitting in juvenile detention. Do you honestly want to know what the problem is? The parent contributes to all their child's actions, even at the youngest age. I've seen toddlers cursing and hitting their parent and for some strange reason, the parent thought that it was cute. It's not cute, it's only setting them up for failure.

Be their example! Turn off the radio in the car if you can't find something appropriate for your child's ears. Turn the television to kid friendly shows!  Don't encourage bad behavior, put your foot down. It's ok, it's only temporary! Don't be that parent wishing they did things differently......

Trust me, they'll thank you later!

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