Thursday, July 3, 2014

Allow Kids to Express Themselves

Buddy Expresses Himself Clearly

Don't always be so quick to punish your child.  Altering them to Express themselves early still play a huge role when they become adults!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Life Happens, Smile!

Life happens, make the best of it!

Drinking Warermelon Juice

They're so many awesome benefits from drinking watermelon juice.  Looks like I'll have a glass!

Health Benefit #1 - A watermelon, especially red watermelon helps an individual to avert many diseases. Why? It contains lycopene in high measure. Basically, a lycopene is an antioxidant that helps to defuse “free radicals” that could potentially damage tissues and organs of the body. Moreover, free radicals augment inflammation and cholesterol in blood vessels, which then could lead to heart attack and stroke. Now with a watermelon juice, the risk of having or developing the aforementioned diseases could be mitigated.
Health Benefit #2 - A glass of watermelon juice everyday could reduce the risk of acquiring or worsening diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and colon cancer. Furthermore, since a watermelon is rich in antioxidants, it can preempt the development of kidney stones.
Health Benefit #3 - A watermelon is vital to obtain a low fat, low cholesterol diet. In fact, a glass of watermelon juice is enough or is considered a complete meal already. Watermelon also contains protein in addition to water, sugar and other minerals i.e., a balanced diet in every sense.
Health Benefit #4 - As previously mentioned, a watermelon is packed with potassium that essentially helps normalize blood pressure. In addition to that, it lessens the risk of developing cardiac arrest and apparently, potassium strengthens the body.
Health Benefit #5 - It goes without saying that a watermelon or watermelon juice is an exceptional source of energy, since it is loaded with vitamin B and of course, sugar as well as water. As a matter of fact, watermelon is the most preferred fruit by athletes or even tri-athletes for its rejuvenating properties. To top that, it is a fine thirst quencher. Normally, athletes eat a watermelon or drink a glass of watermelon juice a day before undergoing strenuous activities, taking into account that it boosts their physical as well as mental condition.
Health Benefit #6 - It helps prevent bone loss and the like. A watermelon is rich in calcium which aids in the preservation and strengthening of bone structures. Moreover, it reduces the risk of age-related eyesight deterioration that could potentially lead to loss of foresight, especially to elders.
Health Benefit #7 - Watermelon’s seeds are loaded with high quantities of iron. So, try to crush the seeds and add the same to your glass of watermelon juice. Needless to emphasize, it is an ideal agent to fight off and/or prevent iron-deficiency anemia and related diseases.
Health Benefit #8 - A piece of watermelon addresses erectile dysfunction in one way or another. Although, research and studies have not yet formally concluded and expounded the reasons behind this ability of watermelon, many individuals have verified, experienced and testified about this miraculous curative.

How to Prepare a Glass of Watermelon Juice?

Considering all the benefits a watermelon brings forth, it is therefore a must to have one on the table every day. Nevertheless, you can always be creative when it comes to serving it for a more delightful eating or drinking experience such as preparing a watermelon salad or watermelon juice. Preparing a watermelon juice is very easy by just following the simple steps enumerated below:
A. Chop the watermelon into pieces and place them in a bowl.
B. Put those watermelon pieces into a juicer or crusher. It is advisable to include the seeds in it as they are a good source of iron, zinc and phosphorous. Don’t have a juicer? Look through our juicer reviews to find the perfect one for your household.
C. You may mix or pour on milk to make the watermelon juice tastier. Basically, it is not necessary to add sugar in the juice considering that it has natural sugars that makes it sweet.
A watermelon juice is not only nutritious, it is at the same time a perfect drink to beat the heat of summer.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Your Wife Would Like You to Know

Here are five things your wife would like you to know but for a variety of possible reasons, she won’t tell you.

She feels overwhelmed and likes when you take charge. Between taking care of the children, making dinner, and keeping the home together, not to mention working, she has a lot on her plate. She wants you to be her partner, not another person to take care of. That’s why it’s music to her ears when you offer to make dinner or do bath time, even though you may have worked all day. Picking up some of the slack provides her tremendous relief and she sincerely appreciates it. Don’t wait for her to ask. Just do how quick her behavior may change after you do it.

She has a hard time turning off the “mom reflex.” She is not always attentive to you because she is preoccupied with the kids. It is not that she doesn’t care about you or love you, but is very difficult to stop thinking about them and their needs, even during adult time. While it is crucial to have alone time with your wife, understand how challenging it might be for her to refocus her energy on you and don’t take it as a sign of rejection.  Even after having you around the house or having an outing, the "mom reflex" never really goes away.  She may really want your help, however, she may feel its a whole lot easier for her to do the task instead.  Don't get upset and frustrated, this is a normal part of being a mom.

She loves to be cherished. Even though you may not be inclined to express yourself emotionally, one way or another you have to let your wife know you love and cherish her. Tell her through words – written or spoken, or thoughtful gift or a romantic getaway. It doesn’t matter how, just make her feel special. Guys may be able to go without many of these things, but to many women this is her oxygen. When you cherish her and make her feel important, she feels valued and appreciated as a wife. When she does not feel cherished, she may feel resentful or insecure about your relationship.

She is sensitive to other women and potential competition. Watch how you talk about other women and praise them, even for things that seem benign like, “Wow she’s a good mother.” She wants to be the best in your eyes. The thought of you praising someone else when you may not praise her enough may make your wife feel that she is not satisfying your needs. If you have women friends (probably not the best idea) or female colleagues, tread lightly. If your own marriage is going through a rough patch, having relationships with other women (friendships or business – not romantic), especially if you imply you enjoy their company, can be very painful for your wife.

She wants to be heard. Hear out her anxieties even if they seem trivial to you. Instead of telling her not to be worried, validate her fears and offer to help her. When she stresses out about next year’s carpool schedule, don’t brush her off. Genuinely listen and volunteer to help. Take practical steps together to relieve the anxiety, it calms her down and makes her feel taken care of.  Listening is the key to a better relationship.  You as her husband may not always be able to "fix the problem" (which your wife already knows), she just wants you to listen to her uninterrupted.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

$1 Flip Flops Today Only at Old Navy


Friday, June 27, 2014

6 Important Reasons Why Sleep is Important

Learning and memory: Sleep helps the brain commit new information to memory through a process called memory consolidation. In studies, people who’d slept after learning a task did better on tests later.

Metabolism and weight: Chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite.

Safety: Sleep debt contributes to a greater tendency to fall asleep during the daytime. These lapses may cause falls and mistakes such as medical errors, air traffic mishaps, and road accidents.

Mood: Sleep loss may result in irritability, impatience, inability to concentrate, and moodiness. Too little sleep can also leave you too tired to do the things you like to do.

Cardiovascular health: Serious sleep disorders have been linked to hypertension, increased stress hormone levels, and irregular heartbeat.

Disease: Sleep deprivation alters immune function, including the activity of the body’s killer cells. Keeping up with sleep may also help fight cancer.

** Sleep Deprivation Signs
You may be sleep deprived if you...
Need an alarm clock in order to wake up on time
Rely on the snooze button
Have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning
Feel sluggish in the afternoon
Get sleepy in meetings, lectures, or warm rooms
Get drowsy after heavy meals or when driving
Need to nap to get through the day
Fall asleep while watching TV or relaxing in the evening
Feel the need to sleep in on weekends
Fall asleep within five minutes of going to bed

Make sure you get adequate amounts of sleep, your body is counting on you!

A lil bit of everything!: Recognizing You're in Bad Company

A lil bit of everything!: Recognizing You're in Bad Company: Are you in bad company?  Below are a few ways to identify bad company They always find something negative from your positive You feel dr...

Morning Brew, Believe in Yourself!!

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself. How others judge you is none of your business. 

HAPPY FRIDAY, make it count!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Recognizing You're in Bad Company

Are you in bad company?  Below are a few ways to identify bad company
  • They always find something negative from your positive
  • You feel drained after having a conversation with them
  • The conversation is always one sided 
  • They lie to others about you
  • They try to belittle you through subliminal messages
  • The issue is always someone else's and not their own
  • The phone rings and you let the voicemail pick up
Your life is your life!  Be cautious who you surround yourself with.  Be an observer and pay close attention to these type of people.  They'll suck the energy out of you until there's none left.  As easy as they came into your life, they can be removed from it.  You'll breathe more freely when you do!

Money Managing

How well do you manage your money?  Many times I see or hear folk who work day to day, but have nothing to show for it.  Or, they have new things but still have bills that aren't paid.  Effectively managing your money starts early.  As a child, being brought up without much allowed me to appreciate and save when I got older.  Are you a budget kind of person or a extreme spender?  Once you figure that part out, then you can move forward and make some changes.  What I've found helpful is to create a spreadsheet of all the bills and miscellaneous things.   Request your credit report.  It's important to view your credit report yearly.  Why not, without somewhat good credit you're basically screwed.  You might get lucky and buy a car, but paying a 23% interest isn't too lucky!  You need to visually see where your money is going.  Once you do that for about a month, then you can start improving your managing by cutting out the unnecessary purchases.  Once you start managing your money, you will find out that it makes other parts of your life easier as well.  

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Zero Value.......

"Never put energy into someone or something that will never be of value in your life." ©taleeya

If you should ever have question someone's purpose in your life and struggle to come up with an positive answer, remove them! One weed will ruin your lawn if left untreated!

On that note, Goodnight!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014


Affordable Summer Fun for the entire Family
$1.00 Admission for Affordable Family Fun Night! 
Every Tuesday and Thursday beginning June 3rd!


My life, my goals.....

As I lay here, my mind just goes nonstop!  My mind reflects back to my life and all the life-changing events in it.  I stuck to my goals regardless of all the trials I experienced!  As a child, I wanted everything to be as close to perfect as possible.  I wanted my future and my future kids to be able to live a stress free childhood.  I set my goals when I was younger like 13 and I can remember every one of my goals too.  They may not mean much to someone else, but to actually say that succeeding all my past goals I set as a child is a rewarding feeling!

My goals were:
  • Always have my own transportation (I don't have a clue how to take the bus)
  • Finish high school
  • No kids until I graduate from college
  • Graduate from college
  • All my kids to have the same father

In life, you set goals and go for it.  Once you reach them, you make new ones!  Some goals may not go as YOU may have planned, but that's okay!  It's not the end, get back up and keep going!  I have new goals in place, no time frame set at the moment...but I plan to attack them soon!  Many people somehow get the idea that stay at home mothers are lazy and lack the brains or education, that's so not true!  So many of us stay at home mothers have more drive than you may think.  We just may not boast about our successes to others, or have plaques hanging on our entrance walls of our house.
Don't allow yourself to envy others for their successes!  Get that "drive" and set your own goals and go for it!  If things don't go as planned, it's're not in total control of your life anyhow HE is.
Good luck my goal setters!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Making Time for Others....

You always will make time for whatever you really want to do.  So many times, I hear excuses from folk about as to why they didn't do something or they forgot.  The minute something comes up dealing with them, they want/expect you to jump. I can trust a stranger with my life faster than some of my friends/family.  Learn to make time for others, you never know when you'll need them in return.

"Don't burn bridges. You'll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river."

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Now You're Concerned About Your Child?

This school year is almost complete.  I've experienced a sense of accomplishment for my kiddies as well as myself.  As a stay at home mom, my job is my kids.  When they start to decline in school subjects, I do what I need to do to get them back on track.  My daughters teacher notified me that she was struggling one semester on her math, I took care of it.  She was in tutoring in 2 days after I was notified.  It was my job to identify that the help that I was giving her at home wasn't working.

In my opinion, there shouldn't be any excuse for your child to fail a grade level...especially being a stay at home mom.  Several people I've had conversations with this week are now showing concern because they've been notified that their child is being held back.  Where was the concern during the beginning of the year when their child's grades were low? Parents need to understand that teachers are teachers, not babysitters....THATS IT! It's your job as a parent to implement the tools from the teacher and get to work.  If this means tutoring and not allowing your child to play after school then that's what needs to be done.  Work comes before play is what I tell my kids, they understand.  All the things that I wanted to say to this person about her child being in the same grade next year is her fault.  She says, "I hate this school!"  No, you should hate yourself!  It's obvious that the child was struggling way before now.  It's not the teachers nor the schools fault for not buckling down, it's your fault!  Maybe next school year, she'll be more on top of her child's schoolwork.  If not, he'll back in the position next year as well!

Morning Brew.....

In times of hurt or pain, learn how to deal with it!  There's no medal for trying to deal with things alone.  If you need help, get some!  It didn't make you less of a person. Whether it's doctors, counseling or prayer, they're people with experience in dealing with the issues you may be experiencing.  Depression is real, and it can sneak up on you really fast. 
Different people have different symptoms. Some symptoms of depression include:
  • Feeling sad or "empty"
  • Feeling hopeless, irritable, anxious, or guilty
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities
  • Feeling very tired
  • Not being able to concentrate or remember details
  • Not being able to sleep, or sleeping too much
  • Overeating, or not wanting to eat at all
  • Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
  • Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems.

Everyone deals with tragic things, it's how you deal with them that will determine what'll happen with you.  Having a good support system, talking about the situation & constant prayer is what helped myself through! 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Things I do Before Bedtime EVERY NIGHT!

  1. Brush and floss my teeth (The thought of false teeth haunts me, so I never miss a day!)
  2. Clean/moisturize my face
  3. Put on Chapstick
  4. Clean my nose
  5. Use the bathroom
  6. Drink water
  7. Check e-mail
  8. Check eBay
  9. Browse instagram/Facebook
Same thing every single night!!!

What's your routine?  

Goodnight Thoughts......

Everything worth having is worth waiting for.  Whether it's a relationship, new career, having kids or whatever.  When you rush into things, usually the outcome isn't good.  "Good things really do come to those who wait!"  What's the rush?  It just might not be "your turn" yet.....just relax!  If it's not working your, maybe it's time to change things up a bit!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Daughters Summer Vacation List!

So, here's a list of things my daughter plans to do while on vacation this summer with family!  This should make you smile.
  1. Ice skating
  2. Swimming
  3. Snow balls
  4. Go to magic mountain
  5. Skating arena
  6. Sleepover
  7. Play dates
  8. Treadmill
  9. Running practice
  10. Exercising
I don't think for number 3 that I'll be able to make that happen, but her list is too cute!!! 

40 Things That Really Annoy Me......

I'm sure the list could go on and on, but these are on the top of my list!

  1. Wrinkled clothing annoy me, I iron everything!
  2. Bad breath
  3. Dirty Dishes
  4. Disrespectful children
  5. Wearing underwear
  6. Liars
  7. People who don't have kids with ridiculous advice
  8. The phrase "what's up" when I call someone 
  9. Folding clothes
  10. Cleaning bathroom toilets
  11. Procrastinators
  12. Complainers
  13. Negative people
  14. Going to the dentist
  15. Kids noses being dirty
  16. Having acne problems in my thirties
  17. Spoiled children who throw tantrums
  18. Chapped lips
  19. Folk who pretend to be "better than" everyone
  20. Driving with the gas light on
  21. Drivers on their cell phone
  22. Dirty fingernails
  23. Dirty ears
  24. Going to the gynecologist for exams
  25. People who cough or sneeze without covering their mouth
  26. Eye contact when speaking directly to someone
  27. Pests mainly cockroaches (living in Texas you come in contact frequently with them) 
  28. Seeing kids standing up or moving around in a car when the car is in motion
  29. Alcoholics who act an ass when tipsy
  30. Cashiers who don't speak when spoken to
  31. Asking for condiments at fast foods and they give you just one
  32. Drivers who ride motorcyclists ass
  33. Kids who know every song on the radio but can't read worth crap
  34. Taking out the trash
  35. People at the grocery store who keep taking items off their bill during checkout
  36. People who honk their horn to get my attention 
  37. Speeders in a school zone
  38. Not having toilet paper in the bathroom when I sit down 
  39. People who curse around children
  40. Birds who poop on your car right after it's cleaned

Monday, May 19, 2014

Feeling Appreciated.....

Feeling appreciated is the best feeling for anyone.  It doesn't mean that you have to go out and buy someone a gift, but just saying it means so much more. For instance, my husband just came in one day and sat down and said "thank you for being a good wife!"  Of course he went on for thanking me for being a good mother to our children and not being a nag.  It meant so much to me just to know that my role as a mom and a wife doesn't go unnoticed.  Not only do you feel at your best when you hear kind words from someone as your husband/wife, but it makes the relationship stronger as well.  Tell someone how much you appreciate them, it'll mean more to them than you know!

My 5 All Time Favorite Perfumes

Many who don't know me well, but I have a thing for perfume.  I wear perfume pretty much everyday, and my shelf is filled with many, many awesome fragrances.  My favorite all time perfume I'd have to say is a Guess by Marciano.  I loved this smell from the moment I started wearing it.  I'll always have a replacement bottle waiting when one gets empty.  The scent will stay on you all day without having to reapply.  Versace Yellow Diamonds has a soft after shower smell and 2 squirts is all you need.  Heavenly by Victorias Secret, is another awesome scent.  However, they made changes to the new smell and it doesn't compare to the old scent that was loved by many.  Usher is a scent making a statement of  "I'm here! let the party begin!"  True religion has a casual citrus/fruity scent that last pretty much all day.  It's soft  Although I have many to choose from, these were my top picks!

  1. Guess by. Marciano
  2. Versace Yellow Diamonds
  3. Heavenly by Victorias Secret
  4. Usher for women
  5. True Religion
What is your favorite fragrance?  

MORNING BREW...What's Your Focus, When Parenting?

Don't allow yourself to get caught up in "being your child's friend."  That part will come later, after the child recognizes and understands  "who's in charge!"  So many times I see parents who spend so much time trying to be their kids friends and not focusing on being a parent during the most critical time in their lives.  And when they reach adolescence,  the kid tends to talk and act out and the parent has no control.  and "they don't know why they're so disrespectful!"

Being a friend shouldn't be a parent's focus....that's not important.  Instilling goals, love, manners, good behavior, being responsible should be the focus if you want to see your child grow and mature into the adult you would like!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Any suggestions????

I've been a victim of adult acne since I've had children.  I hate it!  I feel like I'm a teenager again.  I've  used Clean & Clear for years, but now it doesn't seem like nothing is working.  So desperate, I ended up purchasing luck either!  Dermatologists put me on some different face meds, they didn't work either. I clean my face faithfully twice a day.  I can't take this, I now understand how people with regular acne problems feel.  This sucks.....

Do any of you have any suggestions???

It's That Time AGAIN.....

It's PCS time again.  For those of you that might not know what this means it stands for permanent change of stations.  I've been organizing and trashing things so this can be a smooth process.  This is the apart that I dread every time that it comes around.  Having to lug little ones around is the most complicated.  It's actually cool to be able to see different parts of the world.  However, I hate that my kids are getting to the age where they're sad because they created awesome relationships with their friends.  Heck, I've created some good friendships that I'll truly miss  a well.  I wish things could be different.  As for now, we'll have to rely on our good old technology.  FaceTime and Skype with friends will soon be a part of our weekly routine.

Only in Texas Will You See This!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Dear Fast Food Employees

Dear fast food employees,
I have no use for anything extra that I ask for on my sandwich besides my sandwich. If I ask for ketchup, that means I have fries! If I order 3 large fries, don't try and play me and only give me 3 packs of ketchup! Stop acting stingy, you don't buy any of the condiments, you just work there!  This behavior will not allow you to become manager any faster!

#256 on my receipt who ordered extra pickles

I went to McDonald's and ordered 3 hamburgers extra pickle.  When I received my food, I checked them to make sure they were correct. Of course my order wasn't correct, but I'm sure you knew that already. I asked the manager if I could have some more pickles. He literally put 3 pickles in a sundae cup.  I thought to myself like "this dude has to be joking, it's not even his pickles!" When I ask for extra pickles, it doesn't mean 3 on the means like 8!

Life's Choices

Driving home this morning, I saw some high school students walking to school in their graduation gown.  It put a smile on my face as I thought "they made it."  What an accomplishment to graduate these days in a world filled with so much chaos.  What an even more awesome accomplishment to be able to maintained honor roll as well.  It's so easy these days to be influenced to do the wrong thing, but I've came across some amazing students who are leaders instead of followers.

In life, they're many different roads you're allowed to choose.  Life is about choices from the beginning.  It all depends on what road you decide to take.  Whatever road you decide, it's yours!  If it's a wrong one, remember that you can't place blame on anyone but yourself.  So many times, I see/hear individuals complaining about their life, but still continue to make bad choices.  It's always someone else's fault the way things are going for their life.  Own it, and then do something about it!

Morning Dew....God Shouldn't Be a Convenience!

Why do people only know God, when they're in trouble or things just ain't working out in their favor? You never see anything in their social media website talking about God when things are going great.  One day they posting really nasty pictures or cursing up a storm, then a few hours later on their news feed it says "Imma child of God" or "God is good!"  This is so confusing to me I'll never understand this, but I thought I'd point it out!  If you have some insight on this, help a sistah out because I'm lost. 
"God shouldn't be a convenience." Just thought that I would remind, in case you might of forgot!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Military Wives.....Does Your Husband Rank Control You?

I've been affiliated with the military for 11 years.  I've seen some pretty interesting things.  However, the one that I would like to give my opinion on is rank.  I've came across some of the snottiest wives in the military.  Why, you ask?  Because they're too concerned with the rank of the other military wives husband.  I could never really understand this whole "click" deal.  Why on earth does your husbands rank control who you decide to have a friendship with.  Half the time, no one really wants to even create a friendship with these wives in the first place.  Military wives should all come together as one.  We're all in this for the same reason right?  You really can't tell honestly.  After 11 years, different assignments, I can count about 3 good, honest military wives that won't stab me in the back.  Most of them can't be trusted, they pretend to be one way with you and then change up when other "clicks" come around.  What kind of authority do you really think you have just because your husbands rank is higher than someone else's.

All of the higher ranking husband wives are so snotty, except for myself.  I'm the person who you'd love to hang out with.

What is Your All Time 3 Favorite Candies???

  1. Chocolate now & laters#
  2. Original Lemonheads
  3. Peanut butter Reese's Cups

Now it's time for you to share yours!  Ready.....go!

Interacting With Your Toddler....

Interacting with your to toddler is the best form for their learning.  The other day, I babysat a 3 year old who never really speaks when he's at home.  Well, that wasn't quite the case when he came to my house.  He asked so many questions, I could barely keep up.  I enjoy little ones asking me questions, I made sure I answered each one too.  When it was time to leave, I gave his mother an update on how he behaved and all the questions he asked.   She was so surprised that he talked pretty much the whole time that he was at my house.  She says, "he never talks and ask questions at home."

My thoughts:

Berween ages 2 and 3, children develop the cognitive ability to make logical connections between things--to understand why things happen. This is a critical skill that helps them gain a much more complex understanding of how the world works.. When they ask, “why?” they are showing a thirst for knowledge. They want more information. So asking “why” is critical for your child. The more she asks, “why?”, the more she learns.  Don't ignore their questions, interact with them!  At one point in life, you were their age.  Allow them the ability to learn!

Pull Ups Training Pants Name Brand or Off Brand?

Which do you prefer?

My opinion (having 3 kids), I truly love Huggies Pull-Ups better than any other.  Why you ask?  My kids seem to soak them during bedtime and they never seem to leak.  They may be slightly expensive, but if you're lucky you can find a coupon for them on the bags in the store.  Would you rather have a soaked bed or a soaked pull-up in the morning.  Some things you just don't buy off brand, this is one of those things!!

Do You Have A Unhealthy Relationship?

So, I'm at the orthodontist appointment.  If any of you experienced braces know what an appointment consist of.  I was so ready to go home and take some ibuprofen.  My phone rings and on the other end was an associate trying to play catch up because I haven't talked to her in almost month.  To make the long story short she asked if I could pick her up so she could go to Walmart with me.  Even though I wasn't planning on driving past Walmart to pick her up and go back, I decided to get her.  First issue I had was I was sitting in my car waiting for her to come out, even when I called and notified that I was waiting for her.  When I was gathering my groceries in my truck, she then ask "can you take me to my uncles house, he has high blood pressure."  Well, I'm not a nurse but I do know that 120 isn't a HBP.  I politely told her "I don't really feel like driving that far, but I'll take you!"

On my drive home, I got to thinking (since it was clear across town).  Some people always seem to have some type issues going on.  They never just seem to be at a stand still, and everything is going great.  This happens to be one of those type of people.  There's a reason that my phone never seems to ring when she call me.  Even my phone hates hearing such dramatic people on the phone.

In life, you have to weed out negative relationships.  Those people who drain us of energy, demand more than they can provide, pull us down instead of push us forward, and can turn the happiest of moments into a miserable affair.

Unhealthy relationships usually:

  • take more energy than it gives
  • Usually the one doing all of the giving
  • Everything is about them and never about you
  • You find yourself unable to enjoy good moments with this person
“It is necessary, and even vital, to set standards for your life and the people you allow in it.” 

Braces after 30?

I remember as a child I wanted to have braces so bad.  But now that I'm an adult and having braces, I don't think that I would have the patience and will power to follow all instructions as a teenager.  As an adult, some just realize how important oral hygiene is as opposed to being younger.  As a teenager, you kind of blow things off like not flossing everyday or brushing at night.  My experience with braces had truly been an interesting one.  But in the end, I'll be able to feel my best with a smile worth thousands, literally!!
Smile, it brings out the best in you!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

No Worries......

Well, I just locked myself out of the house walking to pick up my kids from school.  I couldn't be mad, all I'm doing is laughing at myself.  I dreaded the phonecall to my husband only because he'll have to leave work to come open the door.  One thing about him though, he never seems to get upset about much.  Always calm and relaxed.  He says, "no worries. I'll be there shortly." Life should be about "no worries." Most of the things that may happen in our life, you can't change, you deal with it or grow from it! I'm this case, I'm dealing with it! :-)
Smile, it looks good on you!

Setting Boundaries in the Workplace

How do you avoid crossing boundaries?  Is it worth the risk losing your family?

  • A HEALTHY work spouse situation is between people who would never let their friendship venture in to an inappropriate space, and understand that fine line.
  • NEVER share personal information about yourself at work, especially private details of your marriage. If someone does share personal information with you, tell your spouse so you don't create a secret world your spouse is not aware of.
  • Be upfront and HONEST about the closeness and bond of your real-life relationship.
  • Don't be alone with a person of the opposite sex separate from your job. Romantic relationships come out of recreational activities and intimate conversations. <---Any fool knows this!
  • Don't drink with your work spouse. When you drink, boundaries get blurred.
  • Introduce your real spouse to your office spouse, so it isn't exclusive.
  • Avoid constantly talking about your office spouse at home. Don't overdo it.
  • Aim to keep the mood light and happy with your work spouse so that drama from home doesn't bleed in to what should be a professional relationship.
  • Keep the lines of communication open between other co-workers and your real-life spouse so that your work spouse relationship is not interpreted as a clique, or exclusive.
If something you're doing outside of the home where you feel you're unable to share with your spouse, it's safe to say that it's most likely wrong!  Know your values, if you have any.  If you're unhappy in your real marriage, either fix it or end it.  Everything you do as an individual being married affects everyone in your family.  

    Ladies, ladies, ladies!!!!

    It's okay to get yourself dressed each day for nothing.  Even if you don't have anywhere to go but to the grocery store or just to your kids school.  Being a mother/wife shouldn't feel like a chore where you forget to impress yourself.  Fix yourself up before leaving out the house.  Leave the pajamas and slippers for bedtime.  Take an hour to yourself and get yourself together.  The more you do it, the less time it'll start taking.  The way you look on the outside has a tremendous effect on you inside.  Step your game up, being a mommy doesn't mean you exclude yourself from fixing yourself before walking out the door!

    My challenge to you ladies, get yourself together. Play dress up with yourself. It doesn't have to be a special occasion to play dress up EVERYDAY!  And remember, just because it's your size doesn't mean you should wear it.

    What I miss most about my life before kids is.....

    • Not having to make dinner
    • Being able to just get up and go
    • Only having to make my appointments 
    • My choice of music
    • Only having a few dishes in the sink to wash
    • Sleeping later than 7am
    • My weight loss was much easier
    • Carrying purses daily (my purse now is the diaper bag)
    All these things I miss, but without my life would be so boring! Keeping up with my children is keeping me young!  

    What do you miss most about your life before kids?

    What Would You Want to Be Remembered For?

    If something ever was too happen to me, what would you want to be remembered for?
    I would want to be remembered for is the caring heart that I seem to have.  I'm always trying to find a way to help someone in need or just being there for those in need.  I would give give my last dollar if I knew it would help you get out of whatever situation you may be going through.  I would also love to be remembered for being an awesome mommy to my awesome kiddies.  That I work so hard each day to see them happy and successful in school. Oh, and one more thing! I would like to be remembered for the awesome wife I've been to my husband.  Always being loyal and not the nagging type.  Giving him the secure feeling that he needs in our relationship. 
    I'm sure I could list many things, but those were the top things that came to mind!

    How my Childhood Changed Me As a Parent Today?

    My childhood has had huge impact on how I raise my kids.  I've seen a lot of abuse and negativity while growing up.  I made a vow to myself that my kids will never experience none of the things that I went through.  My childhood was nothing to brag about.  Being raised by both parents sometimes isn't always grand.  Folk may say, "well at least you had both parents."  That comment can be burned.  No child, I repeat, no child should see emotional and physical abuse day in and day out.  I honestly think we suffered so much that we should've gotten some counseling. 
    This vow I made to myself for my unborn children is to never put them in any situation where they feel lost.  Confused in life, feeling like they have no where to go out no one to talk to.  Always making sure they're happy before leaving out to school.  To always see happy moments with their parents, no violence!
    Things aren't always what they seem.  On the outside, it appeared as this lovely happy family.  But on the inside, it was far from that happy family that was perceived from others!

    How has your childhood changed you as a parent?

    Morning Brew....Mothers Day Blues?

    Mother's Day is over, what did you expect? 

    As a mother, you really shouldn't expect anything.  This is the role that we've decided we wanted to take on.  I know for me, getting presents are nice...but I don't expect/want them.  I'm content with just a hug and kiss from my kids.  Don't allow yourself to get so caught up thinking that being recognized with gifts on Mother's Day is what it's all about.  Just because you may not have received anything, does that mean you stop being a mother? Remember, there's always a positive in every situation.  Be thankful that you're someone's mother.  There are so many women right now trying to conceive.  There are so many who can't conceive, but don't have 20,000 sitting in their account to get the adoption process going.  Mother's Day is about showing gratitude, this doesn't necessarily mean buying gifts.  For little ones that can't talk, they don't understand.  The smile on their face when they see you in the morning should be enough.   If you really think about it, acknowledgment one day a year doesn't equal the amount of stuff you do daily anyhow!

    Monday, May 12, 2014

    The Struggle....

    EVERYONE struggles at some point in life, whether it's big or small! Many who never try to achieve anything have the slightest clue as to how much effort, time, patience, consistency it took to overcome and succeed. They only see the end result, wishing things could be the same for their lives.  You want change, but don't want to put in the work to get it.  Complaining doesn't get you anywhere but right where you started (if you started anything at all).
    Pro players, all you see is them at the end playing on television.  Doctors and nurses, all you see is them taking care of you. Teachers, all you see is them giving lectures. Military men and women, all you see is the BDU and rank they're wearing.  You never stop to think of their struggle.  Not one person has anything handed to them. You literally have to work your ass off to get where you want! When you reach your accomplishment, then you can say "Man, it was a tough ride, but I did it!"

    Whatever your struggle may be in life, don't let it control where you want to be! Stop complaining, take action and get in gear.  The ride will be bumpy, but it's so worth it!
    Have a good Monday, thanks for reading!

    Morning Brew....A Healthy Marriage Takes Time & Effort

    Tell them you love them often
    Always remain friends
    Laugh often
    Allow your spouse to be themselves 
    Never stay mad
    Give each other space
    Help with chores

    A marriage won't always go the way that you may want it to go.  Trust me, no marriage is perfect.  If someone ever tell you that, they're lying.  I'm still learning the do's and don't's of my marriage after almost 10 years.  The amount of time and effort you put into it will determine what you'll get out of it.  

    Sunday, May 11, 2014

    Happy Mothers Day from the Voices Who Can't Speak!

    Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there that work their asses off each and every day.  Even if your child is too young to realize the goodness of your work, they still appreciate you.  I'll be their voice for today, if they're too small this is what they would like you to know:

    "I really appreciate all your hard work to make sure that I have everything I need to grow.  Thank you for nurturing me and giving me the secure feeling that I need at my young age.  I'm truly blessed to have you as my mom.  I may be small now but when I'm much older, I'll be able to express my gratitude and make you a card.  Keep up the good work mommy, I'm rooting for you! When I cry, don't get frustrated....I'm just expressing myself a little because I can't speak yet!  Just be patient with me, we'll learn each other one day at a time. I promise I'll get better at this thing called life, just give me some time. I love you very much way to go Mommy, you rock!"

    Don't Allow Your Kids To Be a Handicap!

    As a parent, you shouldn't feel as if your kids are a handicap for you to do normal activities with them.  "Oh, don't take them to the movies, they're only one" or "don't take them to church, they might act out."  At what point do you you just stop and listen to the ridiculousness comments that are coming out of your mouth.  I'm a parent, a good one for that matter.  It's all about teaching kids how to behave.  If you don't ever allow your child to experience taking them places where some may feel they shouldn't go, how will they ever learn?  Children are like clay, what you teach them or allow them to get by with is how they'll behave.  Then, this carries on to their teenage and adult years.  Then you'll complain as to why my child is acting out in public.  Many times I see parents who take their young children to grocery stores and they're throwing tantrums.  Does that mean that you send them to a sitter while you go out to do grocery shopping or out for dinner? Absolutely not!  I always hear folk who may say "oh just let them be, they're going through their terrible twos."  Rather it's terrible twos or just a phrase they might be going through, toddlers will test their parents to see how much they can get by with.  As a parent, we're suppose to correct their negative behavior and reward them for their positive behavior.  What parents do and don't do, say and don't say, provide their children with the experiences that the children interpret into beliefs. Those beliefs, in turn, then determine their behavior and emotions and, ultimately, their lives-for better or for worse.  


    When I was a little girl,
    I was like your shadow, always near.

    While learning what the world was about,
    I followed your footsteps day in and day out.

    There were so many things I wanted to know,
    Your answered my questions and help me grow.

    Ask took soon Mommy, I will be grown
    And making my way in this world in my own.

    When you remember the good times we had,
    And wish I was with you, funny be sad.

    Just stand by this picture and pretend,
    That I am your shadow once again.

    *This is what my daughter gave to me this morning, it made not made my day but it also made me cry!

    The funniest moment of the night.....

    The funniest thing just happened.  I had just finished brushing my teeth for bed when I heard my oldest daughter in her room coughing in her sleep.  I go in there and turn on the light and she was....well I thought she was taking off her pajamas because she was hot.  Nope, my daughter was about to urinate right on the floor.  I screamed "no, wait" loud enough for her to wake up...I definitely didn't see myself cleaning the carpet tonight or any day for that matter.  She eventually pulled her pajamas back up and went to the bathroom!  Geesh, just think if I hadn't of went in her there when I did it would've been a disaster

    Saturday, May 10, 2014

    A Reason, Season or Lifetime......

    It so amazing to me as I sit and think of how everything that happens in life has a purpose.  You may never know that purpose in most cases but it still gets you to wondering.  I was having a conversation earlier and I was told that were all like ships, and we meet people along the way.  Sometimes the ship stops, but in the end life still goes on.

    One incident that has been on my mind today is a friend that I met recently.  It was only for a short period of time, but I think I was put at the same location at that moment for a reason.  I felt like God wanted me to guide her in the direction that she knew she already needed to go.  Sometimes in life, it's always good to just stop and listen.  I felt that she craved the attention that I gave her and that was just to listen.  You don't always have to help and find a solution to others problems.  She just needed an ear and a shoulder to cry on.  We all have busy lives but you have to know when to just slow it down for a minute.  You just might be saving someone's life by just being there for them, showing them that you actually care!

    The saying that comes to mind is "People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime." When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn.  Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway); and put what you have learned to use.  I'm glad to say that I was at the right place at the right time to be able to listen, encourage and give strength to someone who just needed a little energizer boost in this thing called life.